Red eggs are chosen as gifts probably because they are the symbol of changing process of life and their round shape is the symbol of harmonious and happy life. 这是因为,红壳蛋是生活过程改变的象征,圆形则象征着和谐幸福的生活。
Bamboo is regarded as a symbol of high reproduction because of its vigorous vitality and unique shape. The generative adoration of bamboo includes genitalia adoration and deification. (动物)生命力强的竹因其生命力之强盛和繁殖的特殊形态,被原始部族神圣化,视作为生殖和生命的象征而加以崇拜。
Drag to add a datum target symbol. To connect the symbol a specific shape, attach the leader to that shape. 拖动此形状,可添加一个基准目标符号。要将该符号与一个特定形状连接,请将引线连接到该形状。
Arc length symbol. Shape resizes with text. 弧长符号。形状大小随文本调整。
Dragon is the symbol of power ability, boat means success,. the boat with a dragon shape is the symbol of success and power. 龙是权利和能力的象征。船意喻成功。故龙形的船代表权利和成功。
EU country designation symbol. Select the shape on the page and type to change the country abbreviation. 欧盟国家标志。在页面上选择该形状然后键入,可更改国名缩写。
Tray symbol for column shape. 表示塔中层的符号。
Studying Laozi's theory of "One creates two", Yin and Yang, or dialectics, we should notice that the familiar Tai-Chi symbol is an ideal shape, the most harmonious state of Yin and Yang. 研究老子“一生二”的理论、阴阳理论或者辩证法原理时,我们要注意人们常见的太极图是一种“阴平阳秘”的完美图形,是一种最和谐的状态。
Meanwhile, from a large sense of the symbol meaning of dream, the audients could shape a kind of mode as "plaster model" in appreciating the ancient drama. 同时,从大的框架下审视梦的符号意义,这些符号使我们对古典戏剧的欣赏模式呈现出一种石膏模型式的特点。
The paper analyses the distinctive aesthetic definition of product shape design and the aesthetic function of product shape symbol. The paper mainly expounds the freedom degree of product shape design aestheticism. 文章分析了产品形式设计独特的审美涵义,以及产品形式符号的审美功能,着重论述了产品设计形式美感表现的自由度。
Recognition of point-shaped map symbol based on shape analysis is expounded in this paper. 着重讨论了基于形状分析的点状地图符号识别。
Thousands of years has followed Bai traditional cultural values and national aesthetic style, as a symbol of national culture, Jianchuan Bai wood products form a series of shape, design, craft and relatively stable cultural implication, which condensate the traditional culture of the Bai People. 剑川白族木雕产品千百年来一直恪守着白族传统文化观念与民族审美风格,形成了一系列凝结着白族传统文化的造型、图案、技艺,成为了文化意蕴相对稳定的民族文化符号。
Unlike traditional Western pattern symbol shape reproduction. 传统的图案符号不同于西方的造型再现。
Brand epitomize a brand symbol from important information of reputation, culture, product, quality, technology and potential of enterprise and shape its variety fame and praise of society to the public so as to product received by customer with brand. 把企业的信誉、文化、产品、质量、科技、潜力等重要信息凝练成一个品牌符号,着力塑造其广泛社会知名度和美誉度,烙印到公众心里,使产品随着品牌符号走进到消费者心里。